Friday Blog – A photo a week.

The aim is to post a photo each Friday.  All the photos will be ones I have personally taken and I will try to make them a photograph that has taken that week. However I have cheated a couple of times and posted something that has some relevance to my week, such as the snow scene, Dreaming of , posted on Dec 25th when I was about to fly from Australia to England where I had taken the photo.

I am a computer skills teacher and this blog started life in May 2015 to demonstrate creating a simple blog. Then in a training session I posted a photograph and decided to keep it going. Finding a photograph each week is a challenge, easy when on holiday, too many photos then but when home, going to and from work and everyday life, it requires looking around, looking at things a little differently.

I have been inspired by a friend, photographer Ken Scott, his Project Infinity has one photograph he has taken every day since 2008. To see some great photographs look through or website

I don’t aim to have anything so impressive but hopefully it will build into a collection of nice photographs and, for me, a photographic diary.

I should also mention my main blog is where I post about my progress (or otherwise) at learning a musical instrument as an adult and on travel whenever I get a chance to go somewhere.

Thank you for looking at my blog, enjoy.
